Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Linux compression tools

The tar command was developed during the 90’s it was originally designed to backup I/O devices into tapes.
Nowadays it is commonly used for archiving files and folders into single file.
The popular switches you should use on a daily basis while using the tar command are:

Save permissions while compressing or decompressing
Create a tarball
Extract a tarball
shows and lists all files processed (v stands for verbose)
Automatically compress or uncompress it (calls the gzip method(
Deals with bzip file, for example the linux kernel is compressed in bz2
 (see http://www.kernel.org)
Specifies the file name

Comment: You can use the –C for changing directory.
For example creating a tar with saving privileges and compressing the folder myData:

gil@ubuntu:~/myData$ sudo tar –pcvzf myCompressedFile.tar *

the * is a wildcard for grabbing everything in the myData folder
For example extracting a tar with saving privileges and decompressing the file myCompressedFile.tar:

gil@ubuntu:~/myData$ sudo tar –pxvzf myCompressedFile.tar

gz command (gzip)
A compressing/uncompressing tool which less used nowadays because of the increase usage of the tar command. It uses the famous Lempel-ziv algorithm (I’ll be talking about it in the close future)
Compressing syntax: sudo gzip 
Decompressing syntax: sudo gunzip 

That’s it for today’s lesson, now try it on your Linux distribution! J

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